SW9 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SW9 6 is a postcode sector in Lambeth, UK. Below is a complete list of SW9 6 Postcodes (Active). SW9 6 postcode sector comprises of 194 active postcodes. SW9 6 sector has a population of 6737, and it has 2891 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SW9 6 postcode sector

SW9 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6737
Addresses / Property Count 2891
Active Postcodes 194
Nearby Postcode Districts 28
Nearby Postcode Sectors 5

View Map Of SW9 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 194 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SW9 6AA 51.46954500 -0.11296100 6 10 531167 176197
SW9 6AE 51.46987700 -0.11291900 6 12 531169 176234
SW9 6AF 51.47571500 -0.10520400 N/A N/A 531688 176897
SW9 6AG 51.47036200 -0.11285500 16 33 531172 176288
SW9 6AH 51.47172100 -0.11287500 5 19 531167 176439
SW9 6AJ 51.47522900 -0.11020700 N/A N/A 531342 176834
SW9 6AN 51.47416700 -0.10626200 N/A N/A 531619 176723
SW9 6AP 51.47265100 -0.11315000 47 87 531145 176542
SW9 6AQ 51.47110200 -0.11299800 12 23 531160 176370
SW9 6AR 51.47349600 -0.11315800 10 16 531142 176636
SW9 6AS 51.47372000 -0.11310600 6 8 531145 176661
SW9 6AT 51.47396200 -0.11305200 7 16 531148 176688
SW9 6AU 51.47519400 -0.11301600 37 93 531147 176825
SW9 6AX 51.47548100 -0.11297500 12 32 531149 176857
SW9 6AZ 51.47514400 -0.10492500 N/A N/A 531709 176834
SW9 6BA 51.47593000 -0.11295700 15 30 531149 176907
SW9 6BB 51.47290600 -0.10835900 N/A N/A 531477 176579
SW9 6BD 51.47669600 -0.11302600 6 14 531142 176992
SW9 6BE 51.47733900 -0.11276900 19 54 531158 177064
SW9 6BF 51.47298000 -0.10789500 N/A N/A 531509 176588
SW9 6BG 51.47750800 -0.11323700 N/A N/A 531125 177082
SW9 6BH 51.47812600 -0.11249200 1 4 531175 177152
SW9 6BJ 51.47750500 -0.11292400 N/A N/A 531147 177082
SW9 6BL 51.47322800 -0.10769700 N/A N/A 531522 176616
SW9 6BN 51.47383700 -0.11029300 N/A N/A 531340 176679
SW9 6BP 51.47864500 -0.11234100 8 19 531184 177210
SW9 6BQ 51.47363800 -0.11024400 N/A N/A 531344 176657
SW9 6BS 51.47898500 -0.11222600 21 57 531191 177248
SW9 6BT 51.47948500 -0.11198900 17 46 531206 177304
SW9 6BU 51.48043800 -0.11144600 18 49 531241 177411
SW9 6BW 51.47281500 -0.11047900 N/A N/A 531330 176565
SW9 6BY 51.47261500 -0.11038700 N/A N/A 531337 176543
SW9 6BZ 51.47298200 -0.10968000 N/A N/A 531385 176585
SW9 6DD 51.47970300 -0.11105900 N/A N/A 531270 177330
SW9 6DE 51.48040200 -0.11022700 N/A N/A 531326 177409
SW9 6DG 51.47765300 -0.10824900 10 22 531471 177107
SW9 6DN 51.47908900 -0.11089700 10 31 531283 177262
SW9 6DS 51.47909800 -0.11144400 2 3 531245 177262
SW9 6DT 51.47921600 -0.11152500 14 25 531239 177275
SW9 6DU 51.47941500 -0.11104200 20 46 531272 177298
SW9 6DW 51.47875100 -0.11167400 20 36 531230 177223
SW9 6DX 51.47885800 -0.11164100 4 5 531232 177235
SW9 6DY 51.47862500 -0.11166500 3 7 531231 177209
SW9 6DZ 51.47970300 -0.11105900 N/A N/A 531270 177330
SW9 6EA 51.47407700 -0.10842500 N/A N/A 531469 176709
SW9 6EB 51.47635900 -0.10608500 N/A N/A 531625 176967
SW9 6ED 51.47727100 -0.11189300 47 87 531219 177058
SW9 6EE 51.47803300 -0.11176100 52 102 531226 177143
SW9 6EF 51.47932700 -0.10891400 9 24 531420 177292
SW9 6EG 51.47934600 -0.10946400 14 36 531382 177293
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